Friday, October 28, 2011

Healthy Protein Snacks | Healthy Protein Snacks Recipes

Healthy Protein Snacks. So training hard enough and qualify for the amount of protein to take every day to keep your muscles disappear. I know how, and the obligation to always have something to eat. You do not want to continue eating meat protein (health reasons) to get, so what else can you eat? You need some protein-rich foods!

Well here is a quick snack of some proteins are high you can make yourself go in the daytime, and the amount you can get protein.

Double Milk

Milk to feed themselves ... busy, have some fat in the number of proteins that are eligible, and the number of eligible foods. Milk does not have a TON of protein, but there is a reasonable amount. However, if you increase the protein content, just add a little milk ... milk, so milk. You do not see too much difference in taste, and you only have a large amount of protein ... milk and cheap to boot. Now you always want to have protein with complex carbohydrates (better absorption of protein ... and you've just energy), so take a piece of fruit, and various types of complex carbohydrates, and you have yourself a high-protein snacks are great there.

Protein Powder

Yes, this is an obvious one, but if you do not feel like filling your mouth with food, this is a simple solution. Protein powder that most will have about 30 grams of protein per tablespoon, which is enough for a light meal. Mixture of several proteins in milk powder and cocoa powder most will feel very good. Again, you want to add some complex carbs in this snack.


Nuts are generally high in protein, healthy fats and good. Yes, good fats ... means no trans fats or hydrogenated ... nuts have your body fat needs. Now the fat is still missing, so do not eat a big gap in beans every day. And when I say crazy, I do not mean peanut sauce (although salt is not bad), or beer nuts or candied nuts or cooked. If you want to stay healthy, take some notes that are very normal, or better yet, some trail mix with all other nutrients. Take a piece of fruit and some complex carbohydrates and you have a very healthy snack with a good amount of protein.

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

Make one whole wheat bread with a glass of milk, snacks, and you have your own, very healthy protein to fill, and height. Do not go for Skippy peanut butter or something ... will be filled with additional waste that is not good for you. Look at your label peanut butter, and find something with as little material as possible. Ideally, only one material ... peanuts.

So there you have it ... four healthy protein snacks high, you can easily and quickly between meals more.