Saturday, October 22, 2011

Healthy Pregnancy Tips | Healthy Pregnancy Tips First Trimester

Healthy Pregnancy Tips. The first one is safe when you finally reach the edge of the pregnancy - which is not always easy to achieve - after waiting long enough, or perhaps after a long struggle. But, you are entering a new universe of your life to bring the new baby as she prepares to become the Mother of Mercy.

You arrive at 42 weeks gestation and is really willing to do everything necessary to preserve and protect the healthy development of babies who come and make your own health. Your health is important, because your medical condition will affect your developing baby. Not only your physical health, but also the psychological aspect of both you and affect your baby's condition.

Here are some tips to get your starter kit. But it is always best to have a physician or physicians of all I strongly recommend to perform routine or on request from the consultation itself. Under the supervision and care professionals will provide you with peace of mind, something very necessary in a healthy pregnancy.

Get professional treatment

This, the first thing you do, find a doctor or other health professional to be known as one. These professionals know how true that prenatal care should be. You can see his normal schedule. At each visit the doctor a series of tests and tests to monitor your health and your baby.

Your doctor is a reliable source where you can discuss or ask questions about your pregnancy. It is important to be honest and do not have more time to discuss your medical history, including past illnesses, drugs or bad habits that can affect pregnancy or in the workforce of the future.

Ask questions and make everything clear. Let the doctor with these questions in your head or some hesitation. This includes information about the questions that you may get from other places, like chatting with friends or neighbors, internet, magazines, books and so fort.

Eat enough

It is necessary to have a little twist on your mind. You now need to eat and drink for two people. This is a baby in your stomach needs food too. Every time you do something, should be enough for two people and at the same time beneficial to the growth of your baby.

Keep your appetite. A pregnant woman needs 300 extra calories a day to maintain a healthy fetal growth. A complete balanced diet of protein added to grains, fruits and vegetables with a little sugar and fatty foods are given.

Avoid infections that may

You should stay away from dangerous infections. If your cat in your home, be aware that cat feces can be a source of Toxoplasma gondii can cause toxoplasmosis. This is a very serious threat to your baby can cause death.

This parasite can also infect the meat raw. So, every cook meat thoroughly. Well-cooked food will also prevent the possibility of other infections such as meningitis, pneumonia, diarrhea and vomiting, the extension may cause serious complications and death.

Stay relaxed and stress

Although easier said than done, try to stay away from things that you stress. Things that stress is always there, because it is important to manage your stress. Changing perceptions about the things that you end up.

Keep in mind that stress you are experiencing problems during pregnancy such as nausea, headache, backache, fatigue and digestive problems worse. It is important to practice relaxation techniques or yoga for peace of mind that keeps you away from everyday life to create.

Take your medicine with caution

Do not take the medicine with caution, even over-the-counter medications such as cough and colds, anti-diarrhea etc. given painkillers to keep to a normal state. It is always best if you consult with your doctor or whether it would be dangerous or not.

If you are under medication for certain diseases such as hypertension, epilepsy, asthma, lupus, or you should let your doctor decide what treatment should be continued.


The benefits of this training is very clear. This keeps your body fit and facilitate the functioning of your whole body. It is also beneficial for pregnant women. But please first contact your doctor if you want to practice. If ok, you can start exercising. Games organized by the American College of Obstetrics and Obstetrics train for 20 minutes at least three times a week.

Exercise can do is hiking, swimming or riding a stationary bike. You can also join aerobics classes are planning a pregnancy can be customized with your session. You can also buy some exercise videos for pregnant women and enjoy a workout at home.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

Dangers of smoking and alcohol have long been a campaign with very little progress. You can easily find those who smoke or drink in your surroundings. If you're one of them, just out of compassion for the poor and the baby.

Nicotine increases the risk of premature birth, low birth weight and stillbirth. Infants of mothers who smoke tend to develop bad lungs, respiratory infections, asthma and exposure to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) has been

Alcohol can directly contact with the baby. Even if the mother drinks, through the placenta and enter the fetal blood system can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), mental retardation and facial disorders in infants is highlighted.

Down enough vitamins and minerals

Ignoring the needs of vitamins and minerals will lead to healthy development of infants and can damage the health of the mother. Remember to prenatal supplement specifically designed to address the needs that must be taken during pregnancy.

Minerals you need to consider are calcium, iron and folic acid. Calcium is very important in the formation of fetal bones and teeth. Inadequate calcium intake can osteophorosis mother, in which calcium is taken from the bones of the main causes. Iron is essential in the formation of blood cells from both mother and child. Blood cells is a vehicle for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Folic acid (vitamin from group B) required for the possibility of spinal damage.

Again, talk to your doctor with vitamins and minerals, because it is the right person who knows what you need and what you do not need an expensive country at a time for you to visit

So, still good. Stay healthy and stay fit. A world of happiness, a new one for you.