We are inundated with information about how we should eat and what to eat. A carrot a day is good for you and then they are bad. We follow the diet tells us to remove carbohydrates and proteins, especially food, and then learning is not a healthy practice.So what is healthy food?
It is not too complicated
Sometimes we forget the simplest case. Want a healthy lifestyle to return to the policy to follow. Your diet should include:
Many fruits and vegetables
High in fiber carbohydrates
Milk and milk
Good fats
Once again the simple fixed! Vegetables should be part of your diet. For example, they have one to fill half your plate. Start with who you want but do not forget to block starchy vegetables like corn, beans or potatoes. That does not mean you can not just eat vegetables that contain starch into the category of carbohydrates. You can use frozen, fresh and canned (as long as they are packed in water or juice instead of oil) varieties.Many supermarkets also sell pre-cut salads and mixed for you to choose from. Try five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to eat.
Eating fiber-rich carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread or multi grain and grain products. Brown rice and whole grain pasta is also good. Limit your carbs a quarter plate. Healthy carbs (carbohydrates), including wheat, beans, fruits and vegetables. E normally indigestible carbohydrates slowly so you feel full faster and longer, while keeping insulin and blood sugar levels stable. Unhealthy carbs (bad carbs), including white flour, sugar, white rice and processed foods are released from their diet. It is absorbed into your bloodstream quickly raise blood sugar and insulin more quickly.
Make sure you have 2-3 servings of dairy products in your day. Dairy products are good sources of calcium include cheese, yogurt and milk. Note that the content of their fat and light versions of schemes to try as much as
In the last quarter of your plate protein. Try leaner cuts or choice of meat, fish and poultry and to reduce the excess fat before preparing. You should eat at least two servings of protein a day.
Last course of fat and sugar. You can not delete, but try to minimize it. These foods tend to have more fat and calories, so eat wisely and focus on common items you above your best bet.
Eat a variety of different foods, so you do not get bored. Plan ahead and prepare healthy snacks to keep on hand when the desire for something light and packed in a lunch to take along when traveling. Limit processed foods and meals. Limit fried foods.
Listen to your body you do not mind. Often, what you need. Are you really hungry or just thirsty? People on average only three healthy meals, including breakfast and two snacks are satisfied. Knowing the difference between a hungry stomach rumbles and emotional needs such as chocolate and crisps.
On the other hand, required 20 minutes before your brain tells your body to feel full. Relax, sit back and enjoy the flavor of your food. Allow your body to absorb nutrients.When you feel full - stop!
Medium well? Use common sense and you'll see the difference in a short time to see.No stress, no difficult for you. Small changes from time to time brings you into the lifestyle, of course you dream of eating healthy.