If you prefer cold cereal, you should carefully check the ingredients list. FIRST ingredientshould be whole grains. Then scan through the list and if you see the words "partially hydrogenated," put the place back on the shelf. You should avoid foods with partially hydrogenated oils (or "trans fats"), and they are worrying signs appearing in the number of grains (see list below.)
After all boards are made with refined grains or parts removed hydrogenated oils,added sugar check (you have little or no) and fiber (you want more.)
Fiber content listed on food labels can be misleading, because based on a portion, and seeds are very light (such as bloating wheat) show little fiber per serving, but the amount received when the weight change. Cereals made from bran (outer layer removed fromthe grains) have a higher fiber content than cereals made with whole grains (which are part of the germ and flour from whole grains and fiber), but they are hard to digest.