Simply Healthy. With the obesity epidemic in America, many people are looking for healthy food. Another thing to consider is how to digest food, how they are low in fat, and what they provide nutrients. Rabbit soup recipe is one that has fallen on the road, only to be brought back for easy and nutritious. This recipe is useful for simple rabbit stew, full of flavor, and the stew is the perfect food every time. Toss in potatoes and carrots and you can treat all its own, without the pot of meat as food.
Rabbits really gives the lowest cholesterol that meat in the market. It is also low in fat than chicken, pork beef, turkey, or. At the same time they offer more protein than other swallows. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the rabbit is the most nutritious meat known to man. It is particularly suitable for people with special diets, because it is very easy to digest. Rabbits have only 795 calories per pound, much lower than chicken, turkey is 810 in 1190, beef and pork are 2050 calories in 1440. White domestic rabbit meat 100%. It has a finer details with birds, but you can change the rabbit in the chicken recipe. Some supermarkets carry a rabbit, if not, you can get a niche market or directly from farmers.
Rabbits are used for food, since people first learned to hunt. In ancient Rome, they were kept in a walled garden, so they want whenever they need food. They lend themselves well to moist cooking methods such as they are low fat crockpot. They tend to dry too much fried. Crockpot perfect because it allows the moisture in the meat. A nutrient broth is best through the process, long and slow cooking. It is a soothing nutritious food that works well with crusty bread potatoes, or rice. Corn bread is a good side to the stew, too. This simple recipe requires a few minutes to assemble, all you have to do is to activate the crockpot and go home for dinner. You can only eat with bread to sop up the sauce and fresh salad.
Recipe for Rabbit Stew
Rabbit meat is a healthy one that you can eat.
What you need
1 or 2 rabbits
1 cup sour cream
1 cup cream of mushroom soup
1 / 4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 / 4 red onion, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
How to make it
Cut the rabbit, and season with salt and pepper.
Combine sour cream, mushroom soup and Worcestershire sauce pan and add to pan. Put the meat and add the chopped onion.
Rabbits really gives the lowest cholesterol that meat in the market. It is also low in fat than chicken, pork beef, turkey, or. At the same time they offer more protein than other swallows. According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the rabbit is the most nutritious meat known to man. It is particularly suitable for people with special diets, because it is very easy to digest. Rabbits have only 795 calories per pound, much lower than chicken, turkey is 810 in 1190, beef and pork are 2050 calories in 1440. White domestic rabbit meat 100%. It has a finer details with birds, but you can change the rabbit in the chicken recipe. Some supermarkets carry a rabbit, if not, you can get a niche market or directly from farmers.
Rabbits are used for food, since people first learned to hunt. In ancient Rome, they were kept in a walled garden, so they want whenever they need food. They lend themselves well to moist cooking methods such as they are low fat crockpot. They tend to dry too much fried. Crockpot perfect because it allows the moisture in the meat. A nutrient broth is best through the process, long and slow cooking. It is a soothing nutritious food that works well with crusty bread potatoes, or rice. Corn bread is a good side to the stew, too. This simple recipe requires a few minutes to assemble, all you have to do is to activate the crockpot and go home for dinner. You can only eat with bread to sop up the sauce and fresh salad.
Recipe for Rabbit Stew
Rabbit meat is a healthy one that you can eat.
What you need
1 or 2 rabbits
1 cup sour cream
1 cup cream of mushroom soup
1 / 4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1 / 4 red onion, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
How to make it
Cut the rabbit, and season with salt and pepper.
Combine sour cream, mushroom soup and Worcestershire sauce pan and add to pan. Put the meat and add the chopped onion.