Recently he came to the attention of the specific causes, there is little sardine smoothie recipes out there I am. Because that is not good enough, smooth-tongued fish recipe of any type. So, this must be a good time to share one of my favorite creations sweet-talk with your sardines.
Therefore Sardines? For one thing, they are small. Smaller fish down the food chain and the surrounding impure substances (mercury, BPA and others) stored in the fat of the larger fish. When it comes to the little fish is always better. (This is probably why you would be hard for us to make even a whale smoothie recipe requirements.)
Sardines may be small, but when it comes to food they are very large. Did you know that a sardine smoothie approximately 25% of the daily requirement of calcium? They are also full of vitamin D, B12, niacin, phosphorus, selenium and natural protein. As an added bonus sardines are also very anti-inflammatory.
I personally believe that most people do not give enough thought to inflammatory aspects of the food they eat. Gred chronic or low, inflammation of durable, reliable source of many old-related diseases, (almost all from arthritis to Alzheimer's, according to some sources). Some foods are inflammatory and anti-inflammatory one. It's a good idea how much you can balance both.
Now we are all happy sardines, how can we combine them into a delicious smoothie?He is a two-step process and I will guide you through.
The first step, making the basic juice.
Here's what you need:
A juicer
Some tribal Celery
1 / 4 yellow onion
2 or 3 jalapeno peppers
A bit rough
Here's what you do:
Place all ingredients in top of the hood and make juice.
The second step, a smoothy.
Here's what you need:
A food equipment
A can of sardines
Juice from above
2 or 3 shots of tequila (optional)
Here's what you do:
The combination of the first two ingredients and place into a food processor. Ranging as sebati.
Since this seems to be an acquired taste for some people, you might want a shot of tequila selection for drinking smoothies take.
Another way you can enjoy the health benefits of sardines just put them on your salad.That's usually what I do.