If changes in one year in the shadows while the recession and slow elevator, killing a new career waiting to be explored in the new decade. How will open for children who will stand at a critical juncture in the year 2020? What career options will be? When we increase the information-based society and technological progress, will be 2020 generations trapped in the brain race. Youth are the future as the architect of space or genetic counselor, a career that we can only dream at this time.
Let us consider future career.
1. Health:Health, including diagnosis, treatment and care, or newborn, sick or old. The size of this field is highly developed in recent years due to increased investment, the growth of hospital networks, changes in lifestyle and live longer. Apart from traditional areas of medical practice (doctors, dentists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, etc.), a career as a hospital administrator, medical technology and medical research technician and see jumps in the long run. Nursing as a profession, will also grow in the first place an increase in the number of people who are fighting for a better life. Recent additions to the series next career in this field in the analysis of brain and genetic counseling.
2. Wealth Care:Although the financial sector hit hard by the recession, the clouds slowly began to move and make way for new faces. Those rising profits as well as their willingness to take risks with their money. That is the case, there is a need for professionals to understand, describe, store and twice the money for their people. This opens the door to careers in finance / investment advisers, risk management, asset management and corporate finance.
3. EngineeringWith innovations in technology is limited, career never heard so far is considered as an option for future generations. Move the computer and telecommunications engineer, your children will become experts in areas such as robotics, simulation, teleportation, and space tourism.
4. Education:Education is another area in which investment can flow into it are gradually taking the global commercial avatar. As more foreign universities to collaborate with organizations and institutions of India, was organized last year came to recruitment. In addition to the traditional position as provost and vice chancellor, a position as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer also made the journey to the system.
Continue to reform teaching methods, the word "e" has a way of teaching methods.So the educational content developers will gain increasing importance in the years to come.
5. IT:Intelligent Network has become a necessity for preparation. Therefore, web and systems analysts, designers and developers will continue to participate in the question and asked to perform increasingly complex profiles. Therefore, software designers and developers, consultants and web information manager. In addition, parallel programs is a relatively new career, perhaps to become popular in the years to come.
6. Green Jobs:Demand pressures on resources may be just to thin to increase the reward in the future. In the scenario, we need people who can come to save us, those who specialize in the recycling of resources' and 'smart infrastructure'. So, if your children grow up, you can see them work on tasks that involve renewable energy, biogas, solar and wind power plants, environmental products and services and so on. Other areas include research and development, manufacturing, consulting, power generation, energy-efficient buildings and construction and project design and implementation.Fields related to environmental sustainability is expected that the job seekers in the future in large part, similar to what TI had ten years ago to attract.
7. Biotechnology Jobs:Other sectors with high growth rate is biotechnology, which will lead to a number of jobs in manufacturing, sales, research, development and so on. Career opportunities in these areas, including drug discovery, cell therapy and tissue engineering, bioinformatics, clinical research, intellectual property, bioanalytical chemistry, plant engineering, etc.
8. Agriculture and Agro other career:Despite progress in some areas, agriculture remains an important source of income in India. The emergence of agricultural technologies are expected to spur growth in agriculture and agro-based industries. There are and will remain an opportunity for a successful career in horticulture to herbal, pharmaceutical, dairy, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish and other food processing sectors. In addition, some job seekers are expected to choose relatively less explored in organic food and beverage industry.
9. Nanotechnology:Nanotechnology is rapidly becoming popular and offers many career opportunities in various fields such as medicine, engineering, cosmetics, computer hardware and software, robotics, defense, research and development and so on.
10. Other options:Experiment a petroleum scientist): This is the study of evolution and the formation of rocks on other planets.b) Recognizing: Yea A provides the actual version of the virtual object.
c) Police Weather Modification: Those who look to those that produce iodine due to rain from the clouds passed. They are responsible for controlling the amount of iodine used for weather modification.d) Unplugger: This is a responsible mental health professionals to help wean people from dependence on technology.
This is a promise that the future for children today. It seems difficult road, but there are always different and can not be. One thing is certain, however, given the large space to explore various career options, providing a space for your child's self-examination is important.