Healthy Food Facts. If you've never had reason to know what the pre-history of our ancestors ate, maybe it's time. Paranthropus robustus, one of the first forms of human life is more than 1 million years ago and found in South Africa in 1938. Shape of the teeth, researchers can not identify what it is or scavenged hunted for meat. It is clear that the food consists of fruits, nuts, leaves, grass, plants, seeds, leaves, grass and root crops.
Well now it seems back to the Stone Age diet, but what is here to stay? Diet-century stone age of 21, also known by the names: Paleolithic diet, the diet of ancient, prehistoric diet, Caveman Diet, Hunter-Collector or the Diet. Dating more than one million years ago, Stone Age diet is slowly gaining popularity as the best diet for humans at this time.
Agriculture is only about 10,000 years. Before the era paleolithc, where the male hunters and gatherers, and only take what can be hunted or gathered from nature. Because life is a nomadic existence and the human diet varies from wild animals, plants, fruits, nuts and seafood. These foods can be captured, collected and yes, eaten raw.
The emergence of agriculture and settlement (ie Neolithic) brought major changes in the human diet. Domestication of new activities such as animals and plants. This causes the end of hunting and gathering lifestyle and modern humans can now live where they like without worrying about where the next meal will come. This shift also means that the lifestyle of the human diet is no longer wild, varied and raw. Instead, it is limited to local food, produced using new tools and techniques. This also means that animals, plants and people are now living in the area.
Introduced through agricultural food products, including newspapers and other plants that need to be boiled to kill the toxins. Foods such as (for example, potatoes, nuts and seeds), not just some of the early progenitors of the diet. New force appears higher in energy, relatively easy to transport and can be stored for a long time. Because it was not long before they became popular around the world.
Some members felt that the end of the Paleolithic era and the beginning of the decline in health and fitness neolothic to see with the rising population of obese and shorter. Interestingly, many people now suffer from allergies and digestive problems associated with dairy products, cereals and vegetables, flour-based.
There is also an increase in what medical experts refer to as metabolic syndrome, also known as "diseases of civilization". Metabolic syndrome is a medical disorder that increases the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes and other diseases increase. Several studies have shown that the disease is not known in advance, our early ancestors, can be associated with the acquisition of quality agricultural products and processed foods such as treatment of sugar, salt and oil.
Modern Stone Age diet consists of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, flour, no vegetables, fruits and nuts are good (ie walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and Macadamia). Food is forbidden dairy products, refined sugars, grains, beans, lentils, beans and starchy vegetables. The general rule is that if our ancestors could not be collected, or spear, and eat it raw, it's better not eat at all.
Well now it seems back to the Stone Age diet, but what is here to stay? Diet-century stone age of 21, also known by the names: Paleolithic diet, the diet of ancient, prehistoric diet, Caveman Diet, Hunter-Collector or the Diet. Dating more than one million years ago, Stone Age diet is slowly gaining popularity as the best diet for humans at this time.
Agriculture is only about 10,000 years. Before the era paleolithc, where the male hunters and gatherers, and only take what can be hunted or gathered from nature. Because life is a nomadic existence and the human diet varies from wild animals, plants, fruits, nuts and seafood. These foods can be captured, collected and yes, eaten raw.
The emergence of agriculture and settlement (ie Neolithic) brought major changes in the human diet. Domestication of new activities such as animals and plants. This causes the end of hunting and gathering lifestyle and modern humans can now live where they like without worrying about where the next meal will come. This shift also means that the lifestyle of the human diet is no longer wild, varied and raw. Instead, it is limited to local food, produced using new tools and techniques. This also means that animals, plants and people are now living in the area.
Introduced through agricultural food products, including newspapers and other plants that need to be boiled to kill the toxins. Foods such as (for example, potatoes, nuts and seeds), not just some of the early progenitors of the diet. New force appears higher in energy, relatively easy to transport and can be stored for a long time. Because it was not long before they became popular around the world.
Some members felt that the end of the Paleolithic era and the beginning of the decline in health and fitness neolothic to see with the rising population of obese and shorter. Interestingly, many people now suffer from allergies and digestive problems associated with dairy products, cereals and vegetables, flour-based.
There is also an increase in what medical experts refer to as metabolic syndrome, also known as "diseases of civilization". Metabolic syndrome is a medical disorder that increases the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, autoimmune disease, type 2 diabetes and other diseases increase. Several studies have shown that the disease is not known in advance, our early ancestors, can be associated with the acquisition of quality agricultural products and processed foods such as treatment of sugar, salt and oil.
Modern Stone Age diet consists of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, flour, no vegetables, fruits and nuts are good (ie walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and Macadamia). Food is forbidden dairy products, refined sugars, grains, beans, lentils, beans and starchy vegetables. The general rule is that if our ancestors could not be collected, or spear, and eat it raw, it's better not eat at all.